Choosing proven brands of medical oxygen concentrator for COVID

With the rise in COVID cases, there has been a surge in demand for oxygen concentrators. This has led to decreased availability both online and offline, as well as the rise of untrustworthy brands that are making low-quality machines simply to earn a quick buck. Here we will discuss some of the things to consider when you are trying to find the right oxygen concentrator to meet your needs. If you need further help, you can always count on the team at Oxygen Parts Inc.!

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Find a proven brand

The first thing to consider with your oxygen concentrator is the brand. It’s not safe to purchase from a brand that is unknown or unproven, as it can lead to poor results or deteriorating respiratory health. Some of the brands we recommend include:

  • Oxygo
  • Inogen
  • O2 Concepts
  • Caire

If you have questions about any brands, don’t hesitate to contact our team!

Check flow rate capabilities

The next thing to check is the flow rate. Flow rate is basically your dosage which is measured in “Liters Per Minute or LPM” for continuous flow oxygen concentrators. Pulse dose is measured as a "Bolus"  this is the volume  measurement at which you intake air throuh your nose. Each person has different needs and requires different flow rates etc., so make sure you buy a machine that can handle the correct flow rate that was prescribed by your doctor.

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Oxygen concentration

In order to get the most out of your oxygen concentrator, you will need a machine that provides medical oxygen up to 95.6% +/- 3% oxygen . These machines must be prescribed by a doctor and purchased through specific sellers. The oxygen concentrators that you find on sites like Amazon do not produce medical grade oxygen. Specifications must have purities above 87% at a minimum for all liter flow settings. Ambiguous specifications and companies not requiring a valid prescription by a physician are indicators you may not be purchasing a medical grade oxygen concentrator.

When you are searching for the right oxygen concentrator for COVID, you can always count on the team at Oxygen Parts Inc. Reach out to us today with any further questions you may have.